Thursday, November 1, 2007

When I lost my fist tooth is the memory of my choice. It is the oldest vive memory because I was about six or younger even. This memory is a little painful to me only because getting your first tooth pulled is a scary experience. I have probably lost about four teeth. I can’t recall my front teeth ever being missing. There is one thing I can reassure you about and its called the ‘trick’. The trick that was played on me is most likely played on every young child. The teeth trick goes like this: “let me see your teeth, I’m not going to touch it”. But you repeatedly say no and the person that’s looking in your mouth is still proceeding to say, “let me see it, I’m just going to touch it and see how loose it is”. Oh, no! they just snatch that loose tooth on out your mouth. You don’t feel it until you see its our you mouth and the blood. Then tears develop and you begin to cry for nothing.
My memory of that scene in my life was shocking to me. Then after, I wasn’t scared to lose a tooth after the first time process. It started out me in my room playing with my little brothers and we were jumping around playing. My brother makes a mistakes and brows me in my face and I’m like ouch! My tooth was already somewhat loose anyways, but we proceeded to play. So my mom had made us some candy apples and I was eating one, when I felt a sort of crack and I felt a breeze like extra space. So I touched my teeth it was sore; of course and I started to wiggle it. I told my mom and she wanted to see it, and me being a child I was like No! She said, “let me look at it, I’m not gon’ touch it”, and I let her.

In addition, she did the opposite of what she said she wasn’t going to do. When she tried to pull it I yanked back and ran. While I was running she said, “let me look at it”, and I was constantly saying you said you wasn’t going to touch it. I looked in the mirror to see if it was still there and it was. It was the teeth next to the big front teeth next to that tooth. I’m guessing the third tooth from the left were the big one is located. I kept wiggling it all night, thinking its just going to fall out by itself. The next day we go over to my grandmother house and my mom tells my grandmother and aunt about it. I heard her saying it and when outside and played. Then my aunt Brinda came up to me and said, “your tooth loose”; and I said, “Yeah”. She goes to say let me see how loose it is. My answer was the same as usual but she kept asking so I ran outside and start back playing.

My grandmother gets my momma to come get me and I came in the house and my grandmamma says, “let me look at the at teeth girl”, and I kind of gave her that look like no, but I can’t tell my grandma NO! I looked at my mom, she yelled at me, and said girl let her see that so and so teeth. I open my mouth very fast and closed it. Did it again and I almost bit her and she put her hand on my tooth and tried to pull it and I start crying. I said, “Grandma don’t pull it you said you wasn’t and I was holding her hands really tight. Then she said, “Look, look at that”, and I started to turn and before I knew it she had yanked my tooth on out my mouth and told me here, here go your teeth. I looked at her and cried like a big baby. After that my grandma pulled the same trick on every one else. It got to the point we start bringing each other to her and telling of a lose tooth. I was pretty much use to it and let my grandma do it from then on. It was no problem because I already knew what was going to happen.

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